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This is about arcology as it appears in the 4005 setting. For general information about the subject, see Wikipedia's article of the same name

An arcology (commonly shortened to arco) is a human construction designed for millions of inhabitants in a completely enclosed environment. It differs from a domed city in that it is designed for hugely larger amount of inhabitants than any known domed city, with most arcologies being in effect interconnected clusters of airtight city-sized pyramidal structures that are far wider than they are tall. Arcologies, like domed cities, provide their inhabitants clean air and water, process garbage and treat sewage but unlike many domed cities, arcologies are completely self-contained. Arcologies on Earth are also economically self-sufficient, something that is thought impossible for the smaller domed cities.

The difference between arcologies and domed cities is sometimes hard to define, and in most cases on Earth, the difference is politically defined, with each arco defining itself by its capacity to wield economic and political power like that of a nation-state.