Faber Wayol

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Faber Wayol
Character design
Date of birth: 21st February 3988 (age 20)
Nationality: Candor Chasma, IconMars.png Mars
Language(s): Martian English
Height: 6' 10"
Father: Pedager Yong
Mother: Saahi Wayol
Occupation History
Education: Blue University Mariner Valley
Field(s): ALIAS Systems Management
Occupation(s): Student (4004 - present; Cohort 9)
Article under construction
This article is in the pre-production phase, and is thus largely unwritten. The author(s) apologise for the inconvenience.

Faber Waaz Wayoll (born Earth equivalent: 21st February 3988 CE, aged 20) is a student at the University of Xanthe Terra located in Viking I Landing, Mars, and a Hatchet associate of Phoebe Noowin.

History[edit | edit source]

Faber is a Gen-11 Martian child born to middle-tier ALIAS system managers, and was raised in AaliMariGaaden, a premier Early Development Centre in central Mariner Valley. At age 12 they began to board at the Ophir Edge Secondary School in the city's northeast, west of the Eos Chasma Sea that feeds through the Margaritifer Bay and into the greater Borealis Ocean. At age 19 they enlisted, through recommendation by their parents, into the Blue University Mariner Valley campus, and are expected to graduate by the end of 4005.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Highly intelligent and political, always a smirk on his face, good ability to keep calm and pass off stress. Was once highly noncommittal and flaky before an intervention by ALIAS, and now their dilettante tendencies and brash sense of humour are kept low-key.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Faber has a slim build, brown skin and dark hair.