Ka Sirai

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Katar Sirai
Ka Sirai / Jia Ziyuan
KaSirai web.jpg
Ka Sirai, accompanied by an INTPOL drone command node
Date of birth: 20th August 3869 (age 136)
Nationality: Albion, IconEarth.png Earth
Language(s): Xin Xiwang Chinese, Commonwealth English, Tranquilan English
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 11"
Occupation History
Occupation(s): Hatchet affiliate (3987-present)
The cure to this loneliness is death.

–Ka, to Liam Tsiboukas

Katar "Ka" Sirai (Born 12th August 3869) is an undercover INTPOL trooper posing as a big-game Hatchet leader. Outwardly appearing to want nothing more than for the organisation to grow and for its members to be strong and healthy, Ka truly works to keep the organisation domesticated and useful as a means to co-opt and curb resistance outside of the popular Albionian reformist parties.

Ka's birth name is unknown. Her Xin Xiwang papers have her listed as Jia Ziyuan, although naturally this is just another alias. Owing to the nature of her employment by INTPOL, all public records of previous identities have been wiped.

History[edit | edit source]

Ka is a genetically immortal human commissioned by INTPOL in 3908, conceived and developed in an incubation bulb from the genetic data of several donors, and born and raised in INTPOL institutions.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Known to most as confident, strong, outspoken, and highly opinionated. Completely secure about who she is. Definitely not only into guys. Doesn't beat around the bush with anything. Quick to call people out on their shit. Good at pressuring people to do things. Generally quite friendly and is normally one to carry conversations.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Ka relishes in brightly coloured clothes that accentuate her figure, often wearing jackets which contrast against her interface suit.

She has a fair complexion with dark eyes and natural orange-red hair, which she usually dyes various colours. Though hailing from Xin Xiwang from sometime in the near past, she is ethnically American.