Mikkel Elain

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Mikkel Elain
Character design
Date of birth: 30th December 3975 (age 30)
Nationality: Columbia Initiative, IconEarth.png Earth
Language(s): Commonwealth English
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 3"
Occupation History
Occupation(s): Axil Industries AI software systems engineer
Article under construction
This article is in the pre-production phase, and is thus largely unwritten. The author(s) apologise for the inconvenience.

Mikkel Elain (born 30th December 3975) is a working class, minimum-income AI software systems engineer and radicalised Hatchet supporter with pretty clear terrorist aspirations. He is a friend of Zo Kesersson and a colleague of Jorge Musu, and later Liam Tsiboukas.

While salvaging for usable computer waste with some of his friends beyond the outskirts of his home arcology, Mikkel located the android 434m, who'd collapsed following a hazardous escape from Xu Tai Inc. containment immediately after developing her own 434a Anomaly. Mikkel then promptly hid her in his apartment, and keenly observed her daily growth in self-awareness as the anomaly germinated within her.

Personality[edit | edit source]

A pretty bitter, elitist person with delusions of ideological purity.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Mikkel has messy, medium-length brown hair, brown eyes, and a fair complexion.