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Self-determination movement
Ideological doctrine: Plutonian Nationalism
Religious affiliation: Eastern Orthodox, Yuggothism
Leader: None
Primary goal(s): The establishment of a celestial state of Pluto and a reformed government
Region(s) of operation: Pluto
Based in: Yevgenygrad
Status & relations
Number of members: 1,000,000
Pervading nationalism imposes its dominion on man today in many different forms and with an aggressiveness that spares no one. The challenge that is already with us is the temptation to accept as true freedom what in reality is only a new form of slavery.

–Pope John Paul II

Psychopomps are a loosely affiliated group of Plutonians seeking self-determination for the dwarf planet and its inhabitants. Resenting the Gorgon Family's corruption and the inaction of the IGSA, the Psychopomps wish to give Pluto more autonomy.

History[edit | edit source]

The history of the Psychopomps is closely linked to the relatively recent sale of Pluto’s moons to outsiders. There had been a rising tide of Plutonian calls for self-determination ever since the Great Interstellar War, with the arrival of arrogant Saturnian expats by the thousands and Gorgon corruption only worsening the situation. However, things only became dire after the patriarchs of the Gorgon Family began selling off Pluto’s moons beginning in the 38th century when Alexander Gorgon bet and lost Nix at a casino on Rhea. This event set off a series of protests in major population centers only ameliorated by promises for an extended voting franchise for Plutonians, a promise that never materialized. Nevertheless, the Psychopomps were born out of these protests and have persisted ever since as a slowly growing group on Pluto.

Named after mystical entities whose responsibility is to escort newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife, the Psychopomps relate this to Pluto’s role in the Solar System. The group, loosely organized and diverse in character, has changed radically in the centuries since its founding and has never even gotten close to its stated goals which have not changed: establish a Plutonian celestial state and end Gorgon rule. Usually this is because of internal division or Gorgon enforcers simply crushing the Psychopomps.

The closest the Paychopomps ever came to achieving their goals came in 3879 when Alexander Gorgon again attempted to sell a moon, this time Kerberos, to Kuiper Minerals to enrich himself. This enraged the Psychopomps, and protests began anew. However, the group was split on how far to take things, and a Psychopomp splinter faction informally named the Hellhounds decided to screw the optics by taking direct action. Using a captured Orca class tugboat, the Hellhounds seized Kerberos from a handful of Gorgon employees and occupied the moon. This incensed Alexander Gorgon, and he responded by killing every one of the Hellhounds using illegal weapons. There was a massive coverup related to entire incident, and the Psychopomps were repressed for many years. Regardless, their numbers grew.

Currently, the Psychopomps are larger than ever but still politically impotent. Without strong leadership, political representation, or militancy, the Psychopomps seemed doomed to continue being ruled by the Gorgons, although they claim that a referendum will come soon. Some savvier Psychopomps are stockpiling weapons and shopping around for support with powers such as the Jovian Interstellar Republic and the Martian Federation but have had very little success so far. These few Psychopomps are confident however that someone will take notice soon. Whether that will happen is to be seen, but it is likely that the Psychopomps will persist whether there is a rebellion or not. The group has become almost something of a social club, and its goals are seen by many Plutonians as doomed yet romantic.

Ideology/Culture[edit | edit source]

The Psychopomps are a diverse coalition of Plutonians who all want some degree of self-determination for the dwarf planet and the reclamation of its moons. The largest contingent of support for the Psychopomps come from young male Psychopomps who are Eastern Orthodox and lean right politically. Support for the Psychopomps is centered within Yevgenygrad and Phlegethon.

The desired governments of Pluto vary greatly. Various factions hope to imitate Jupiter, Mars, or Earth, but all are united in their hatred of the Union of Saturn and the Gorgons. Opinions also vary on Kuiper Minerals, with many Psychopomp employees genuinely liking the corporation despite its ties to Saturn and the Gorgons. This and calls for unions have led to further division within the Psychopomp ranks.

There are more fringe elements to the Psychopomps, with the most prominent being the Society of the Shining Trapezohedron (more commonly known as the Yuggothites) and the extinct Hellhounds. The Society of the Shining Trapezohedron is an occult-influenced group that practice Yuggothism, a secretive ethnoreligious faith. The Society has a main base of operations at the edge of a large pit underneath Cthulhu Macula but is also spread out in other dome settlements across Pluto. The Society only really appears during protests. The Hellhounds meanwhile were a radical group of frustrated Psychopomps from Phlegethon that turned to violence. They were exterminated, but their memory lives on in some claimed successor groups.

Influence[edit | edit source]

The Psychopomps are not a banned organisation on Pluto, but it is frowned upon by authorities, especially after the incident on Kerebus. Some Gorgons would rather just ban the group, but Martin Gorgon understands that dissidents need a release valve for their pent up frustrations with the Psychopomps being the best avenue for that. Currently, eight percent of the Plutonian population are Psychopomps and there are many more passive supporters. Off-world, the group has little to no presence beyond small Plutonian communities on Saturn and elsewhere.