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Department of Tezuka
Tezukan Flag Seal

c.4005 photograph

Capital: Franklin
Official languages: Cariocecian, Martian English
Currency: Trappist Legacy (TL)
Demonym: Tezukan
Government: Department of Tezuka
- Department Minister: Catherine O'Doherty
Settled: 3057
Population: 102 million
Planet: TRAPPIST 1h
System: TRAPPIST-1 System
Avg. distance from Earth: 39.6 ly
Rotation period: Tidally locked
Moon(s): 0

Tezuka (also known as TRAPPIST 1h) is a cold, rocky planet governed by the People's Republic of Cariocecus. It is named after Morgan Tezuka, the first person to set foot on Mars.

History[edit | edit source]

Geography[edit | edit source]

Habitability[edit | edit source]

Government[edit | edit source]

Economy[edit | edit source]

Culture[edit | edit source]

Ice mining has been a staple of Tezuka since colonisation, and working class miners remain the standard image of a Tezukan to many. However, hydroponic farmers are also a common occupation. Both roles have ingrained a certain pastoral edge to Tezukan culture, with Tezukans being far more communal and easygoing than their Cariocecian neighbors while also being fiercely skeptical of any central authority. This frontier nature has often led to them being characterized as lazy and brutish, leading to some of the resentment between the two peoples. Nevertheless, Tezuka shares the Martian heritage of Cariocecus, and though Tezukans may dislike ARES at times, they greatly favor it over ALIAS.

The urban centers on Tezuka such as Franklin more resemble Cariocecus in culture due to the more overt presence of automated infrastructure and military assets. This was especially stark before the Green Light Revolution, but it has remained such largely due to continued immigration from Cariocecus in recent years.