Tranquility Launch Arco

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ArcoLogo TLA.png
Logo, symbolising liftoff
Government: Corporate republic
Founded: 3205
Demonym: Tranquilan, Launchers (colloquial)
Colours: De-facto:
Located: Orbit (Guiana Space Elevator)
Planet: Earth
System: Solar system

The Tranquility Launch Arco was a space-worthy, interstellar ark built to establish a self-sufficient colony beyond the Solar System, and was planned and constructed by the Tranquility Cooperative, a pan-European effort aimed at ensuring the survival of the European people after the coming destruction of Earth through climate change, with a notable degree of funding flushed in due to the nuclear-MAD anxiety that plagued the minds of the European elite during the Euro-American cold war of the 31st century. The project's key players included the early Pillar of Hope and Albion arcologies, and the domed cities of Atlantica, L'avenir, La Liberté, Madrid, Frankfurt, Munich, Rome, Mediterranea, Sanctuary, and Novorossiya, as well as hundreds of other national and corporate patrons. After twenty years of construction the arco was completed in 3205, with it setting sail in 3206.

Though many settlement candidates were considered during its century of construction, Gliese 832 c was eventually chosen in the decades prior to launch in lieu of more preferable systems that were already snatched up by other colonisation projects, with the Tranquility Cooperative's generous funding having secured the arcology's spaceworthiness well enough for it to be repurposed as an orbital colony around the moonless, high-gravity world.