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Lists[edit | edit source]

Area aesthetics[edit | edit source]

Sol[edit | edit source]

  • Earth - Contrast between the hyper-urban, cultural-blend arcology sprawl and the nightmarish climate-disaster hell of the wastelands. New York style cultural mixing, Kowloon Walled City, Ghost in the Shell (1995 film), Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049, Akira, Ken Ishii's Extra, American Space Race, 1960's western futurism (e.g. 2001: A Space Odyssey, Eero Saarinen), STALKER
  • Mars - Cartoony, childlike, post-human paradise garden world dotted with white brutalist or playground-multicolour organism style buildings and kiddy machines that putt-putt across the sky. Free everything and community events and festivals abound, coupled with a 60's sci-fi gilded future urban/industrial landscape. Kaiba, Osamu Tezuka (esp. Astro Boy), Megaman 8, EarthBound, Tiny Planets, Miraitowa and Someity (Tokyo 2020 Olympics), 60's soviet futurism, Hylics, Dr. Seuss
  • Jupiter - 80's Japanese Future graceful bishonen plastic world. Future Funk, Cyber City Oedo 808, Leiji Matsumoto (esp. Interstella 5555), Toru Nakayama (esp. Megaman Zero), Ghost in the Shell PS1 game, Snails House, Cute Dorito, Blue Submarine no. 6, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Code Geass
    • Callistoan: Reploid shipbuilder ZX. Complementary and frank, mechanical-organic, militarist, Tech-rooted, downplayed but clear body mods, impartiality to sex and gender
    • Landing: Traditionalist Europan. Cold and formal. Well-kept suits and uniforms, traditionalist, Earther-rooted, well-blended subtle body mods, non-sexualised, gender binary. Add oppressive brutalism (esp. Clemens Gritl)
    • Communard: Old Europan Counter-culture, Commonwealth War era, now confined to history books and retro/nostalgia enthusiasts. Weird and satirical. Absurdist takes on suits and uniforms, Dada, Outer-rooted, bizarre body mods, 1920's Berlin style sexuality, blatantly challenging gender roles. Add Klaus Nomi, New Wave fashion, and Francis Bacon
    • Rhadamanthys: Modern Europan Counter-culture. Warm and bubbly, kawaii and bishonen culture, excessive, Inward-looking, obvious and showy body bods, Anime sexuality, ambiguous or inverted gender
    • Heliopolis: Poor Ganymedean. Motley and rustic, drinking and sporting culture, gauche, Family = trouble, old + recycled or over-the-top body mods, crude sexuality, gender all over the place
    • Nineveh: Rich Ganymedean. Garish and fat, future-feudalistic neo-royalty, refined, Family = inheritance, either well-hidden or highly-ornamental body mods, aesthetic sexuality, hyper-emphasized gender
  • Saturn - Extreme-extreme distorted future-exotic psycho-hedonistic excess. Æon Flux, Jodorowsky's Dune, Lynch's Dune, Cyberpunk 2077, Timewave Zero, Redline, Devilman Crybaby, H.R. Giger
    • Aesthetics are crazy diverse and fluctuate constantly, it's hard to discern a building or person based on their look

Gliese 832[edit | edit source]

  • Tranquility - Hyper-minimalist obscurantist always-online digital-resort unreality. Feng shui, Japanese minimalism (wabi-sabi, miyabi, shibui, yugen), Greco-Roman sculpture and landscaping, Hindu deities, Memphis and Bauhaus aesthetics, Mallsoft, Dubai, Miami Vice, Metropolis, Psycho Pass, Unnatural colours for natural things (Especially in food, inspired by Tranquilan black plants), Plant and sea life style architecture

Era aesthetics[edit | edit source]

Rough inspiration clouds for the fashion, architectural and mechanical designs of each era. Naturally as fashions change rapidly in a capitalist world, these are only rough guides. 90% solar-centric:

  • 2005 - Today, minus the iPhone, Twitch, Uber Eats and COVID.
  • 2505 - The Expanse, CyberPunk 2077, any good Anime Cyberpunk, Deus Ex, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Explosion of technology sees a sort of "future renaissance" for the rich, but for the poor, the climate disaster on Earth and frontier living on Mars are a two-pronged push that sees a rise of the "self-reliant" aesthetic; old clothes, recycled goods, body mods, and long-lasting tech riddled with homemade modifications.
  • 3005 - Advanced form of 2500's aesthetic. Relevance of other planets surpasses Earth in the Solar cultural sphere, particularly on Jupiter and Saturn. It's a SuperCorporate pastel and neon coloured cyberpunk clown world. Add Songs of the Lost, 90/s early 2000's cyberspace and graphic design (not Floral Shoppe vaporwave, more like "The Club"), and full-blown outrun (very "nighttime" aesthetic). On Mars its Astro Boy, Ralph McQuarrie Star Wars and 60's Soviet Sci Fi ("daytime" aesthetic).
  • 3505 - Commonwealth Wars, Martian Civil War and Great Interstellar War kills much of the decadence of the prior era. Everyone takes a stern gaze into the abyss and sees only utilitarianism and mortality. Blade Runner 2049 (post blackout, brutalism), Eureka Seven (a post war super-future), Evangelion (post-apocalypse city), STALKER, Fallout, Mad Max (post-apocalypse wasteland). Body mods are now haram, a simple walking stick will do. Earther nostalgia amps up once the dust settles on aesthetics from various "golden eras", e.g. classical art and architecture, and the fashions off the 50's-60's-70's, the early Solar Age (2200's), and the early Commonwealth Wars (3400's).
  • 4005 - Return to alienation and decadence for Jupiter and Saturn. Weird, wonderful, alien. The human world purely imaginary, artificial and devoid of imperfection. Earth never really leaves the 3500's. Mars goes down its radical cartoon world path.

Factions[edit | edit source]

Tethys Triads (27th century)[edit | edit source]

  • Cronus Guard
    • Leader: Emperor Caelus
    • Drug: Steroids
    • Philosophy: Might is right. Use and dispose clones like cattle. Eat your sons to stay in power. Rich get richer, poor get poorer, that is the rule of nature.
    • Ideal death: In battle, showered in the blood of clones.
    • Look: Jacked gun-o-sexuals in power armour. For the grunts: Veins, chem injectors, gnashing teeth, kill counts. For the masters: Luxurious, dominating, dignified. Anton LaVey and Ernest Khalimov. Red and gold
    • Theme song: Behemoth - The Satanist
  • Bosozoku
    • Leader: Shinsengumi Lightning
    • Drug: Heroin
    • Philosophy: Bitter society-hating self-destructive iconoclasts. Destroy the internet, bring back privacy. Fuck Compose, Fuck Melody, Dedicated to no one, Thanks to no one, ART IS OVER
    • Ideal death: Cold and alone, where nobody will remember you.
    • Look: Sadboii weeb greasers on neon-lit bikes. 90's hair curtains or pompadours. Bomber jackets, colourful leggings and kicks. Neon yellow, magenta and green
    • Theme song: The Gerogerigegege - Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male
  • Netsweepers
    • Leader: CCC5000
    • Drug: Ritalin, benzos and vape pens
    • Philosophy: Live forever as a CPU. Learn to code. The next singularity will see mankind merged with a rogue AI, and all will become one. The Web is true eternal anarchism, and its ways must be brought to reality.
    • Ideal death: Consciousness destroyed and uploaded into a machine, live eternally as an emotionless, pain-immune algorithm.
    • Look: Cyborgs. Part man, part bike. Black and lime green
    • Theme song: Autechre - LCC or Death Grips - Hacker
  • Golden Boys
    • Leader: American Jones
    • Drug: Cocaine
    • Philosophy: The gun is good, the penis is evil. Breeders must die. The future belongs to immortals. Worship The Cube. Financial astrology.
    • Ideal death: Death is for fags and poor people
    • Look: Effeminate, aryan. Pure white.
    • Theme song: Cabaret Nocturne - Blood Walk or Rammstein - Du Riechst So Gut
  • Bound Apocalypse
    • Leader: Diesel McQueen
    • Drug: Datura and weed
    • Philosophy: Ancap-dieselhead apocalypse cult. Nuke everything. Start again as low-tech societies stranded across space. Turn Titan's soil into oil. Give Tethys a warm atmosphere with a hundred years of exhaust fumes, just like Earth.
    • Ideal death: WITNESS ME
    • Look: Wasteland raiders. Recycled everything. Bodies and bones of dead captives. Executioner masks over space helmets. Mandatory eardrum-bursting horns and exhaust loudeners. Orange and brown
    • Theme song: Ghoul - The Lunatic Hour and Ghoul - Ghoulunatics
  • Zeta Reticulians
    • Leader: Commodus Spence
    • Drug: Quaaludes
    • Philosophy: Hedonistic UFOlogists. Conspiracy theorists. Claim to be in contact with the Reticulian Greys, whose hedonism surpasses even Saturn.
    • Ideal death: Overdose, or abducted by aliens.
    • Look: High heels, V-shaped shoulder pads, cod pieces and wild haircuts. Silver, pearl and gold
    • Theme song: Vitas - 7th Element
  • Velour Leopards
    • Leader: Bogoquaz De Kowl
    • Drug: Meth and Roofies
    • Philosophy: Hyper-individualism, commodity fetishism, lumpen hyper greed. Fuck the big corps, free men are hustlers. Galactic pimp lords that live on the edges of society, and consciousness.
    • Ideal death: Death by coom while on an astral trip probing the edges of reality, surrounded by guns, money and thots
    • Look: Goldplated everything, fur and leather neokitsch trash. Purple and gold
    • Theme song: Company Flow - Bad Touch Example
  • Cloud9
    • Leader: Bollo Jingyan
    • Drug: Mushrooms and ecstacy
    • Philosophy: Fleet-footed spacefarers. Gravity inhibits your intelligence. Access your inner lives and see the future through drug use. Mankind must evolve Space Wings and Vaccum Lungs to explore the stars.
    • Ideal death: Stranded millions of klicks away in a one-man shuttle
    • Look: Spandex tights, heavy makeup use, looking a cross between clowns and Ziggy Stardust. Blue, red and white.
    • Theme song: David Bowie - Blackstar

Five States (33rd century)[edit | edit source]

  • State of Saturn IconSoSEnceladus.png
Shyeah, OPS calculated that before your classical-bit brain even started firing

–Preset C6 on OPS's processing capabilities

    • Capital: New Excess, Rhea
    • Leader: Preset C6 (bionic immortal) consulting the Objective Paradigm Server (OPS; neural network and data haven)
    • Sponsors: Binan Suo, Callisto, Sky Garden, Taegeuk, Union of Mars Non-Aligned (UMNA)
    • Security force: Netsweeper Spiders
    • Ideology: the Rhean State is dominated by a technocratic, anarchist, accelerationist right wing (officially "non-political") philosophy that seeks to destroy the separation between real life and simulated reality, and ushering in the true liberation of humanity
    • Aesthetic: Black and green brain-blasting flesh-tearing techno post-humanism. True Cyber-Punk for the poor cunts, nanomachines SON for the rich. Get ready 'cause we're transforming 50% of your body to metal. Timewave Zero, Maelstrom from Cyberpunk 2077, Deus Ex, DOOM Eternal, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
    • Theme tunes: Grendel - Timewave Zero, DOOM Eternal OST
  • State of Saturn IconSoSTitan.png
The kind of freakin' nerds who take their g-juice with benzos and oxytocin

–DEUS on the Rhean State of Saturn's alliance with the Netsweepers and UMNA

    • Capital: Kraken Megadome, Titan
    • Leader: DEUS (genetic immortal)
    • Sponsors: Golden Boys, Liberty Central, Union of Mars Independents (UMI)
    • Security force: Cronus Guard
    • Ideology: the Titanian State's objectivist-postmodernist tripod is opposing AI, IGSA or any other big-state control over individuals; that man is the ultimate potter to the clay that is reality; and seeing war as fundamental to the human condition... in a constructive "know the enemy and we can tame it" kind of way
    • Aesthetic: One that appeals to the edgy teen inside all of us. Battle grey, big warships, big guns, vampiric statues and gargoyles, bikes and roaring engines, cyber-vampires, esoteric emo-witch hexes, buff dudes that talk smack and catty hot chicks
    • Theme tunes: The Time Has Come from Devil May Cry 4, Bury The Light from Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
  • Ringer Fleet/Saturnine Republic IconSoSOrbital.png
Whatta shame, Astral Shani caught red-handed on that comm-smoker, that'll cost 'em the hall of fame!
Also big "fuck you" to Nymph.El for givin' em a dodgy EMP, try grabbing some Martian surplus next time.

–Buddy Futureland live during the 3354 KSRL Saturnian Ring Circuit

    • Capital: Evander Dome, Dione
    • Leader: Buddy Futureland (clone dynasty immortal)
    • Sponsors: Ganymede, Kimber-Sonoshee Racing League (post Kimber FT withdrawal), Prism Paradox
    • Security force: Ringer Security
    • Ideology: Mo' money less problems. A PMC fleet derived from mercenary corps who fought in the Tethys crisis - including some of the former Essential and NYN, many of the Zeta Reticulians and Cloud9, and some hardcore old Cronus Guard - and led by a new wave of entrepreneurial immortals born after the year 2999, The Ringer Fleet seeks to establish Saturn as a capitalist paradise free from the old-world delusions of nation-states and laws.
    • Aesthetic: Hyper-luxury, ancient aliens and other conspiracy theories, seizure-inducing saccharine pop art, cheap art-nouveau, trashy plastic consumerism, high-speed racing and adrenalin, post-nut clarity
    • Theme tunes: Ken Blast - The Top; The We (Horatio Theme) from Endless Space 2
  • Saturn Overstate IconSO.png
I guess you forgot the time you and Inner-GSA left my belter ass for dead back in Teth's. Y'all left the tap on. Bill's due.

–Force Streetking

    • Capital: None, key bases in Enceladus, Iapetus and Rhea
    • Leader: Force Streetking ("immortal", more likely an identity assumed by various people through time)
    • Sponsors: Non-sectarian, non-"extremist" outer groups
    • Security force: None official, security maintained by various outer-faction militia
    • Ideology: The oppression of the outers is the greatest enslavement of humans in written history, band together, space the radicals, and we can found a genuine democratic republic.
    • Aesthetic: Kung Fury, Black Dynamite, Neon 80s Biker Gang aesthetic, Fist of the North Star, Machine Girl album covers
    • Theme tunes: FILMMAKER - WETWORK (Full Album), David Hasselhoff - True Survivor
  • Union of Saturn IconEarlySaturn.png
Just try and kill me fucko. Two more Ace J. Skylars will take the podium. I'm the god-damn the Will of Saturn Incarnate.

–Ace J. Skylar

    • Capital: Huygens, Titan
    • Leader: Ace J. Skylar (Clone cop made clone-immortal senator), UoS Executive Government
    • Sponsors: Church of Salvation, Europa, Europe Unity Conference (headed by Pillar of Hope), IGSA, Shengli, Union of Mars Facilitators (UMF)
    • Security force: INTPOL
    • Ideology: The climate disaster is the greatest catastrophe in written history, keep Governed Space together and we'll weather this crisis. Humanity must be united. (Supported by all the top powers that be, except Axil Energy, who are perma-neutral on the Saturnian Question).
    • Aesthetic: Amalgamation of all outer planet aesthetics relevant to the period, old "Clean" Saturn image. Scarface, GTA Vice City
    • Theme tunes: Beverly Hills Cop theme, Scarface (Push It to the Limit)

Saturnian sport champions (present)[edit | edit source]

This is not a complete roster

MOBA Saturn teams[edit | edit source]

  • Limit-Breakers (Dione) - Sponsored by FireBux. Newest top team, populated by rich gopniks and their mafia-dollar rigs. We own you, cyka
  • Saturnalia (Enceladus) - Sponsored by Bazoinks and SBSIST. Avid users of gamer-curated energy drinks and high-calorie gamer fuel
  • Quantum Zero (Iapetus) - Sponsored by iSpartacus. For minmaxing giga-nerds with high-spec quantum gaming rigs who abandoned having fun decades ago
  • Teem Pregnancy (Rhea) - Sponsored by Cherry & Pop and Thotties. See the hottest e-girls play your favourite MOBA
  • Devil Trigger (Tethys) - Sponsored by the Cronus Guard. Uses streaming as a grooming tactic for young dumb recruits
  • Kronos (Titan) - Sponsored by Lonely Hart and Victor Burger. For the cultured gamers who don't say "yeah" to the Man
  • Akhenaten (Titan) - Sponsored by Escalate, UWU and Olympiad. Saturn's premier MOBA team

Roncevaux Starflash (iSpartacus 1v1)[edit | edit source]

  • Maelstrom - A swarm of modular robo pieces and utility fog that's difficult to tear apart and dangerous at any distance. Get too close and it'll disintegrate and attempt to invade its foe.

Saragossa Megaclash (iSpartacus teams)[edit | edit source]

  • MetaBrawl Redux (Iapetus) - Hall-of-fame battlebots from the MetaBrawl days. Souped up with modern tech, this granny's on her second cup of tea. Sponsored by the Netsweepers.
  • DEEP_PHAINON (Iapetus) - Psyker brainiacs who attempt to hack into their opponents and order them to do their bidding. Often accompanied by guard brutes
  • Gamma Spyders (Rhea) - Deadly terror-spiders guaranteed to make your skin crawl. Create nests out of robo corpses and use their parts to build babies
  • Mariachi Drone Strike (Tethys) - Bug-eyed flyers with an ever-shifting array of guns, blades, chemical sprays and bombs
  • FEED.EXE (Titan) - Worms and worm-faced humanoids who seek to devour their foes and digest their data
  • Bully Kit (Titan) - Modular goliaths designed to incorporate the tools, armour and weapons of fallen opponents into their frames

Gladiator One (XXKILLXY 1v1)[edit | edit source]

  • The Shorn One - Legendary clone whose original body won freedom decades ago and now sponsors himself to dominate the ring. Shorn One clones are totally hairless, caked in body paint, and jacked out of their freaking minds, and go into battle with any number of secret abilities. Fans place bets on which abilities will manifest each game, with popular favourites including razor fangs, flesh-hidden shivs, poison darts and metal bones.

Universe Series (XXKILLXY teams)[edit | edit source]


  • Reverse Bukkake (Dione) - Affectionately called "Splash n' Dash". A wild projection of Racer drug use and Zeta Reticulian bodily excess. Make a show out of ruining matches and tearing down the sport in the most obscene ways possible. Their ticket sales are the only reason they're still allowed in
  • CellRep Throwbacks (Enceladus) - Ever wanted to punch Hitler, Isanoo Kienen or Linan Zheng? Wanna see Genghis Khan team up with Muhammad Ali to whoop some ass? Now you can!
  • GorePumps (Iapetus) - Claim to be descended from the original Iapetian gang. Perpetuate a post-ironic gimmick of having "sold out". Frequently use WWE-style performance techniques, especially blading. Just don't tell their fans that. Buy a GorePump t-shirt today, it says "Born To Crack Heads, World Is A Fuck"
  • Dark Kaaba (Rhea) - Post-WWE style "performance" of an Arabesque cube-worshipping cult with hidden ties the djinns of inner-Saturn. Attempt to win recruits in the arena. Continually allude to a "Dark Jihad". Are they even clones? Not even the hardcore fans can tell you
  • Contextual Assault (Tethys) - Practising Castle Doctrine in the ring, they make a game out of smuggling weapons into the non-augmented category. Fan assistance is often encouraged
  • Huygens GOD EATERS (Titan) - Oldest surviving XXKILLXY team. Eat your opponent, or die. A Cronus Guard fantasy project that's gotten way out of hand and fallen under numerous new managements, its gimmick shifting away from roided warrior cannibalism to flesh-eating ugly bastards. Give Splash n' Dash a run for their money
  • Perfect Hair Eternal (Titan) - Second-oldest XXKILLXY team. The Golden Boys' star fighters, kept out of the Immortals because they're still just a bit too young. In their spare time they champion Golden Boys fashion lines, engage in coked-up club violence, and blog about social justice issues


  • FireBux Speed Racists (Dione) - Perfect specimens engineered with inhuman reflexes and the ability perceive time at slow speed. Effectively useless once injured, they walk the fine line between outright victory and humiliating defeat. Sometimes they're given things like katanas or removable ankle weights. The bets alone could see each clone buy freedom and retire for life in a Titanian penthouse
  • CellRep Abominax (Enceladus) - Elaborate combat augmentation testing funded by CellRep. Recognised by their shaven heads and long red-leather jackets. Killed our whole team last season? Thanks for the data! All their gear are trade secrets and the fans are rabid consumers
  • XXKILLXY Immortals (Iapetus) - History's greatest gladiator clones, brought back from the dead to fight again. Its fighters are given wacky handicaps if they win too many games
  • XS E.VOLV (Rhea) - Pushing the limits of the augmented category by sending in the gnarliest cyborgs sponsors can buy. Long rivals of the CellRep Abominax. Chest-mounted grenade launchers, acid spit, suicide bombing, 360 degree vision, zero-bleed coagulating nanobots, you name it, it's been seen in the ring. Broken augmentations are torn out and thrown to the fans as memorabilia
  • Martian Civil War II (Tethys) - Chuck Norris/Rambo killing machines programmed to believe they're hardcore veterans of the ALIAS wars. They were men of peace, 'till one day all hell broke loose. No augmentations beyond the brain chips. Seething rivals of every other team in the league
  • Prism Paradox True Survivors (Titan) - Professional vanilla clones bred for combat with the finest gene-splicing and combat augs. Treated remarkably well for what they are, being given personal names, decent food and apartments. Naturally they don't fuck with lesser clones
  • Megadome MANIAXE (Titan) - They're angry, they have chainsaws for hands, and they don't know when to stop. Engineered to hear a high-pitched tinnitus whine whenever they're not fighting