Gliese 832 System
The Gliese 832 System, also known as the Tranquility System, is an inhabited star system that lies approximately 16.1 light years away from the Solar System, with a one-way transit between the two requiring a seventeen year total voyage aboard starships equipped with conventional Kimber Drives.
The State of Tranquility (Gliese 832 c) is the system's sole Celestial State, having jurisdiction over the only other planet of the system Serenity (Gliese 832 b), and its various moons, its three most prominent being Adam, Chavah and Lilith.
The system's core star Gliese 832 is a red dwarf roughly under half the mass and radius of the Sun, and has a spectral class of M2V, causing it to emit a comparatively dim orange-red light. Its apparent visual magnitude is 8.66, meaning that it cannot be seen from the Solar System by the naked eye.