Frequently asked questions about the wiki and 4005. Any decent questions asked of the writers by others will generally find their way here in order to benefit everyone.
Art[edit source]
Why anime though?
Literally it's just an art style Necrus likes, though it was quite deliberately kept to even way back in 2015 - 4005's early days - to reinforce the themes of alienation, material overabundance, and commodification of the human form. 4005 is just as easily suited to realism.
Lore[edit source]
How accurate is the science?
4005 shoots for just slightly above an 8 on Mike Botherton's Sci-fi harness scale, through often lands in the 6-7 range when we're not careful. We're quite hard-ass when we want to be (e.g. no wormholes), and use a fair deal of speculative science (e.g. stuff that from current scientific knowledge isn't known to be impossible) to fill in the gaps. Occasionally art will win, but only to a degree that preserves suspension of disbelief.