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ArcoLogo KanemBornu.png
Logo, featuring the partial coat of arms of Nigeria and the tree from the ancient Kanem Empire
Government: Federal Presidential Republic
Demonym: Bornuean, Kanemian, Kaybee(colloquial)
Colours: Commonwealth standard:
Located: West Africa
Planet: Earth
System: Solar system
Population: ~940,300,000
Article under construction
This article is in the pre-production phase, and is thus largely unwritten. The author(s) apologise for the inconvenience.

Kanem-Bornu is one of the arcologies of the Commonwealth of Earth, the political successor of the former nation of Nigeria, and the most populous single arco on Earth. The arcology was originally founded further south by elements from Europe and Freeland, but Kanem-Bornu's borders have inched north as flooding has overtaken much of the former Niger Delta. It is a multicultural arcology with over two hundred ethnic groups and three hundred different native languages contained within its borders. Christianislam is strong driving force within Kanem-Bornu, being one of the few uniting forces within the arcology.