Solar System
The Solar System is the core star system inhabited by humanity, and is collectively the most developed and by far the most populous, being home to over 30 billion people.
Five recognised Planetary States exist within the Solar system; in order of population they are the Martian Federation, Commonwealth of Earth, Jovian Interstellar Republic, Union of Saturn, and Free State of Neptune. The system also bears the rocky planets Mercury and Venus and the ice giant Uranus. It also features two asteroid belts, the innermost referred to as the Main Belt, and the outer as the Kuiper Belt.
The system's most universally hospitable planet is Mars, with natural-born martians requiring no protection to survive its surface, and other humans not accustomed to 0.376 g environments being able to survive for short periods of time unprotected before suffering from various negative effects associated with low-G. Mars is then followed by Earth; once the cradle of all life in the known universe, a runaway global warming effect has rendered its oxygenated atmosphere unbreathable, thus demanding a Light Interface Suit and a Self-contained Breathing Apparatus duo, and for humans unaccustomed to 1g (i.e. most non-Earthers), varying builds of exoskeleton. The giants and planetoids then follow, all eclipsing third place in general habitability by virtue of modern Arcology and domed city technology. Due to the limits of modern heat-resistance technology only Mercury and Venus are considered truly uninhabitable, and have thus been spared large planetside populations.
The core star of the system, Sol (or more colloquially, The Sun) is a G-type main-sequence star (i.e. yellow dwarf) that emits a yellow-white light. Due to humans having lived and evolved in the Sun's light for millions of years, it emits the most easily visible light to the un-augmented human eye.