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Photograph of Triton
Demonym: Tritonian
Planet: Neptune
System: Solar System
Avg. distance from Earth: 4.3 billon km

Triton is the largest moon of Neptune and the seventh largest moon in the Solar System. The only large moon in the Solar System that orbits in the opposite direction of its planet's rotation, Triton is theorised to be a Kuiper Belt Object captured by Neptune's gravity millions of years ago and shares many similarities with Pluto. With a diameter of 2,700 kilometers, Triton has a sparsely cratered surface with smooth volcanic plains, mounds and round pits formed by icy lava flows. The moon is is one of the coolest objects in the Solar System, and most of Triton's nitrogen is condensed as frost, giving its surface an icy sheen that reflects 70 percent of the sunlight that hits it.